Monday, January 11, 2010


Yesterday I finally got to see some Hatch Show work in person. There was an exhibit on display at the Durham Museum in Omaha. It was so fun to see the enormous wood cuts and to look at the intricate monoprints up close. I'm definitely a fan of the crazy layering of ink. Their attention to detail is phenomenal. The printers of Hatch have created exceptional works of art. Very cool to see some of Hatch's advertising work. We loved the Airstream print.

As for my press, I just ordered 3 new rollers from NA graphics and am sooo excited to get the press going soon. I have my first wedding invitation to letterpress by April so I'm grateful to have a deadline in front of me. Wish me luck! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.

John, Thanks so so much for sending your holiday card. It was just beautiful. I promptly displayed it on my inspiration wall. Hope you and Robyn are doing great!