First week of John Horn's letterpress class, at which I am assisting, has gone by fast. Students are remarkably adept and producing like crazy. The same few people seem to accompany me during the late shift, but that is to be expected. Many of our students are staying off campus or live nearby, going back and forth can be difficult. The basic instruction and group project portion of the class is over, so now people are working on individual projects. I've been helping mostly with proofreading and design questions today. I've been working on a project for the upcoming Student Scholarship auction, too. And over the past few days I've rediscovered linocuts. Lots of the students are doing linocuts, time consuming but cheap. Here's a bee I cut for a demo.
Also today I used the polymer platemaker for the first time. John and I were both amazed at the quality of the negative from the EPSON Photo 1280. Had a little trouble with the printer but once student Virginia suggested to clean the print heads, problem was solved. The first plate I made looked wonderful out of the exposure unit and again after washout. But when I tried to use the automatic dryer drawer, the plate came out all melty...too hot? A second attempt using a hairdryer was a little scary, so we decided to let the plates air-dry and give them a final exposure tomorrow to set them.
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