Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Well, @#$%^&!! I hit the wrong button.
  Ally,thanks for all the photos. I'd like to see more photos of the crops and fields. Probably nobody else is interested but I am. My own garden is toast. No rain for over a month. We finally got a nice rain yesterday but it may be too late for my veggies.
Those quail-like birds crossing the road in your photos are guineas, or as we say down here, guinea hens. Supposed to be good for eatin' ticks. Alex and his daughter are due here at ten tomorrow (Thursday, July 2) to see my little shop and pick up a couple of type cabinets. Have roofers finishing up putting on a new roof on one of our guest houses and had two big slabs poured today on Robyn's end of the shop, one for parking and one for an outdoor work space. We're off to Texas next week to close up Robyn's parents house down there. Hmmm, loading furniture and stuff in July in Texas?? Doesn't sound too pleasant to me.
Dana Moore, remember her?, the program director at Penland and Julie Leonard, bookbinder extraordinaire and Penland board member are due here on the 16th of this month for a little R&R and maybe some printin.'
Sure wish we could hear from all the other folks.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the education john! guineas eh? well there are ticks galore up here maybe we should get some. if you didn't know already we just got over a 25day rain spurt and so our 'crop and fields' are looking alright but not as colorful as we'd like. tomatoes and peppers REALLY need some sun. so it sounds like we're on opposite ends of the food growing spectrum! it takes a few years of cultivating i'm assuming to really get used fixing these kinds of problems. hope i can see your studio/garden/digs in little rock soon! maybe december??
